Sunday, June 25, 2017 by Ethan Huff
An obviously male high school student in Connecticut has won two state championship titles in track – but only because he ran on the girls’ team. Andraya Yearwood, a freshman at Cromwell High School, self-identifies as a female and was thus allowed to compete with the girls. This clearly gave him an upper hand in beating out an actual female runner who would have won had he not been allowed to compete, and she likely would have received a college scholarship as well.
But now her dreams have been shattered by the latest in politically-correct madness taking place at taxpayer funded public schools, at least in the Northeast. Kate Hall, a junior at nearby Stonington High School, was edged out by Yearwood in the 100-meter sprint by a mere 0.17 seconds, putting her in second place. Last year she won the 100m, but that was because Yearwood wasn’t yet a high school student and didn’t compete.
When asked how she felt about her loss to Yearwood, Hall was tight-lipped, presumably for fear of being judged and labeled a “transphobe.” Many news outlets failed to even report on what she actually said in nuance, instead sugarcoating it to make it appear as though she was just fine with losing to a biological boy.
“I can’t really say what I want to say, but there’s not much I can do about it,” Hall admitted to the Hartford Courant. “It’s frustrating, but that’s just the way it is now.”
Hall was as good of a sport as she possibly could have been, considering the circumstances. But it was clear during her interview that she was hardly pleased with the fact that a boy beat her in a girls’ competition (and it goes the other way, too). The victory was basically stolen from Hall by an individual who, up until entering high school, had competed as a boy, until suddenly deciding that it was in his best interest to compete as a girl.
In case you think this is insensitive, consider the fact that Yearwood looks, acts, and sounds like a boy. He even sported a mustache during an interview he did with local reporters in which he gleefully basked in all the attention he’s receiving for “bravely” stepping out and being who he was meant to be … or something.
“It feels really good,” Yearwood told The Day. “I’m really happy to win both titles. I kind of expected it. I’ve always gotten first, so I expected it to some extent.”
Can’t you just feel the humility? Not only is Yearwood proud of cheating, but he actually expected to win as a result of it. And that is precisely what makes this all so disturbing. It’s one thing for Yearwood to pretend to be a girl when it only affects him. But when it allows him to steal accolades and achievements from others who play by the rules, that’s when we enter the dangerous waters of cultural Marxism.
“How can a movement that claims to be for women survive staying silent (and even siding with the man) in this scenario?” asks Megan Fox for PJMedia.com. “That boy (who couldn’t even bother to shave his mustache) may have stolen a girl’s very future, and no one cares.”
“I searched the usual places, like the Huffington Post and Jezebel, for articles on this travesty and came up empty. Dead silence. Are they all in an emergency meeting with Gloria Steinem and Lena Dunham, planning how they’ll explain this one away? You can’t find one feminist perspective on this story on a Google search. Why not?”
Tagged Under: Tags: cultural Marxism, feminism, transgenderism