Thursday, November 09, 2017 by Ethan Huff
A mentally unhinged biological male who for whatever reason believes that he’s a female is reportedly outraged that the Australian Football League (AFL) has denied “its” bizarre wish to play handball on the AFL women’s league, rather than with other men.
“Hannah” Mouncey is yet another confused transgender athlete who, like several other transgender athletes in recent years, has tried to argue that entire leagues should change their normal policies in order to accommodate the whims of gender-perplexed individuals. While many of them have been successful, Mouncey isn’t one of them.
In defending its decision to bar Mouncey from the women’s handball league, the AFL argued that the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act provides that officials are free to exclude athletes from competing who, because of their atypical physique, stamina, and/or strength, would end up having an unfair physical advantage over others in the league.
In this case, it is precisely because Mouncey is a biological man and not a women that he (regardless of his gender pronoun choice) isn’t fit to play this intense sport with women. He belongs with other men of a similar stature, though he apparently doesn’t see it this way.
“I feel the game prides itself on being able to be played by anyone … I obviously don’t agree with what the AFL has done,” Mouncey is quoted as saying. When pressed to think through the fact that the decision makes sense because Mouncey is more physically endowed than females because of his biological nature, Mouncey dug his heels in even further.
“Of course I’m going to have a size advantage over some of the girls,” Mouncey stated, adding that he still feels that the decision is “unjust.”
Now that he’s realizing that living the tranny life isn’t as easy as he apparently thought, Mouncey told Peter Stefanovic in an exclusive interview that he’s now considering switching back to being a man in order to get all of his friends back and live a normal life. Ironically, he still insists that being transgender is “not a choice” and that “no one would choose that,” even as he considers making the choice not to be one.
Mouncey was apparently hoping to have rolled out for him the same red carpet of political correctness that fellow transgender athlete “Jillian” Bearden was given. Back in 2016, Bearden, 36, became the first transgender athlete to win El Tour de Tucson in Arizona. This biological male beat out all of the other actual female contenders, to which he was praised by the Left as achieving an “absolutely huge” milestone.
It shouldn’t really come as a surprise to anyone with a brain that biological males tend to be more physically adept than biological females. Biological males generally have more muscle mass, larger frames, and more endurance than biological females, so it really is no great feat that Bearden “won” El Tour de Tucson. Perhaps this is what Mouncey was hoping for before being denied: The chance to “win” at something that he would otherwise lose at if he was competing with other males.
One would think that these people would be embarrassed at the thought of “winning” against the opposite sex, and yet they seem to revel in it. And society (or at least the more liberal segments of it), continue to praise such nonsense as “progress,” even though it’s little more than a ruse for attention-seeking mental cases to get their 15 minutes of fame before fading off into politically correct oblivion – or perhaps even coming to the realization that transgenderism isn’t in any way normal or praiseworthy.
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Tagged Under: Tags: biology, gender, Gender Dysphoria, Gender identity, hannah mounded, Mental illness, transgender, transgenderism