Friday, March 17, 2017 by JD Heyes
Donald Trump is not supposed to be president. That’s what all the politicos, experts, sages, swamis, soothsayers, legend-makers, talking heads, pundits and Democrats kept telling us for months.
Until Donald Trump, billionaire real estate mogul and reality TV star-turned-politician became President-elect Trump. When that happened, many of the same folks, now shaking their heads in disbelief, began searching for a reason why they were trumped by Trump.
He must have cheated, somehow. Yeah…yeah, that’s it! He cheated! He had help, too – the Russians!
Uh, but then that fake news narrative dissipated or, mostly dissipated (there are still those clinging to the belief today that Moscow did, in fact, change the electoral outcome in favor of The Donald, despite the lack of any evidence whatsoever). No smoking gun in the intelligence “dossier.”
At every juncture, every turn in this most unusual of presidential elections, Trump has managed to either outsmart or outlast his competition. He beat back 16 other largely qualified contenders to win the GOP nomination; he destroyed Clinton, handing her the second loss in her relentless bid for the White House.
Now, we’re expected to believe that because Obamacare repeal-and-replace isn’t done and signed into law already, it’s because the Republican leadership has “snookered” Trump, drawn him into a byzantine legislative course and, in the process, derailed his young presidency. (RELATED: Obamacare’s “death spiral” spreading from insurance companies to Medicaid as collapse is imminent)
Just read how Byron York is fretting about it at the Washington Examiner:
Now, however, in the middle of his first 100 days in office, Trump has gotten bogged down in a complex, time-consuming, and unpopular fight over another issue — repealing and replacing Obamacare — that, while a key Republican priority and a Trump campaign promise, is not at the very top of the public’s concerns.
New to Washington and with no experience in public office, Trump has become a prisoner to the House Republican leadership — or more precisely, to the complicated procedural requirements of the House and Senate, and the judgment of the GOP leadership that must operate within those boundaries.
A “prisoner?” Is that accurate? The man who defied everyone and won the highest, most powerful elected office in the free world?
What a stunning dismissal of Trump’s capacity to understand a process that, I’m sure, has been explained to him time and again over the course of his candidacy and post-election victory. After all, the man has a former representative as a vice president and a former House speaker (Newt Gingrich) as a close advisor and surrogate. To claim now that, 50-odd days into his presidency he’s somehow been hijacked by “the system” seems a tad premature.
And we have to remember, too, that the Democrats and President Obama, with full control over both chambers of Congress and ownership of the White House, took more than a year to pass Obamacare. So it seems a little unrealistic to expect Republicans and their GOP president to repeal the law and replace it with (hopefully) a more market-oriented reform package in 50 days.
Plus, we have to remember that Trump hasn’t even gotten his full Cabinet in place yet. That process, too, has been mocked and derided – mostly by the Alt-Left media. Democrats in the Senate have done all they could to delay the process. In some instances, Democrats blocked confirmation votes by not showing up to the hearings, which is unprecedented in the modern era. (RELATED: Are #NeverTrump Lawmakers Working To Sabotage Obamacare Repeal So Trump Can’t Take Credit?)
I’m far from ready to panic about this Obamacare repeal-and-replace business. No one should doubt that even though not all members of Congress want to do it, enough members do – and the president does, also. He ran on that as a primary issue. And his first executive order, signed the day of his inauguration, instructed the federal agencies tasked with enforcing the various provisions of Obamacare to do all they could to grant waivers, deferments and other delayed actions.
Does all of this sound like a man who’s going to let a principal campaign pledge – which he has shown a willingness to keep, by the way – go unfulfilled? President “Art of the Deal?”
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: Congress, obamacare, President Donald J. Trump, repeal and replace