Monday, June 12, 2017 by JD Heyes
If you needed more proof that Democrats lack the hypocrisy gene, here goes: A former Obama administration health care official is actually accusing Republicans of being less than honest about Obamacare.
You can’t make this stuff up.
As reported by The Hill, Obama’s acting administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Andy Slavitt, accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., of using “sabotage, speed and secrecy” in working to pass a Republican health care reform bill.
Writing in the Washington Post (of course), Slavitt ‘advised’ McConnell to redo the House-passed Obamacare repeal-and-replace measure after the never-accurate Congressional Budget Office ‘scored’ it and said 23 million Americans would lose coverage if it passed.
[Reality check: MORE than that (27 million Americans) are still uninsured — more on that in a moment.]
“Faced with that reality, McConnell could have started over and had the Senate develop its own legislation, perhaps even working with Democrats on a bipartisan alternative that could withstand the test of time,” he wrote. “Instead, McConnell put a plan in place to pass something close to the House bill using three simple tools: sabotage, speed and secrecy.”
Let’s translate this BS and then break it down with heavy doses of reality.
First of all, what this partisan functionary is saying is that Republicans — who stand in the congressional majority and who have the White House — really don’t have a mandate to govern and pass their version of healthcare reform, even though Obama and Democrats claimed a mandate in 2009 and 2010 to pass Obamacare when their party held congressional majorities and the Oval Office. Secondly, the vast majority of Americans who put Republicans in charge of both chambers of Congress and the White House don’t want them to cooperate with Democrats on anything, much less “health care.” Democrats have proven already they can make quite a mess of it.
Slavitt also demonstrated that either he’s clinically insane or he’s so hopelessly partisan that he’s not capable of thinking clearly (which brings me back to the first observation). He actually wrote that the GOP’s argument that “Obamacare has failed” is disputed by…facts.
“Taking advantage of those now well-documented efforts to sabotage the ACA [Affordable Care Act], McConnell is reportedly telling his members they have no choice but to pass a replacement,” he wrote, noting McConnell is using a “fast-track procedure” to get it done.
“So last week McConnell deployed Rule XIV, a fast-track procedure that bypasses the committee process and moves the bill directly to the floor. Just as in the House, we’re on track to have a vote with no hearings (there were more than 100 for the ACA). Knowing the coverage loss will be significant, McConnell plans to vote within only days, or possibly even hours, of the release of the CBO score,” Slavitt wrote, accusing McConnell of “secrecy” as well. (RELATED: The top 5 biggest Obamacare fails and why Republicans and Trump should try again to repeal and replace)
There were ACA hearings, for sure — but so many facts about the law were purposefully omitted from them, such as:
— The ‘individual mandate,’ Obama argued in the media, was “not a tax.” Lie: The Supreme Court ruled that it was a tax in 2012, deciding that the first-ever government mandate requiring Americans to purchase a product or service was constitutional.
— Democrats and Obama repeatedly promised that the ACA would cover every American. Not only was that a lie, but more people remain uncovered now than would be uncovered under the GOP plan. And what’s more, if the GOP plan reduces premiums and other out-of-pocket expenses, more people will be able to afford coverage.
— And about those lower premiums and deductibles promises, I’m not sure what planet Slavitt is living on, but Obamacare’s excessive insurance industry requirements and regulations have led to dramatically higher premiums and deductibles, leaving tens of millions of Americans with ‘coverage’ in name only. Many families are literally spending more than $10,000 a year for “coverage” with deductibles that are as high as $1,000 per family member or higher.
If Obamacare wasn’t ravaging the insurance industry and driving millions of families to the financial breaking point, criticism of the GOP replacement effort by partisan hacks like Slavitt would be comical.
J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for NaturalNews.com and NewsTarget.com, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.
Tagged Under: Tags: Democrat lies, hypocrisy, obamacare, repeal and replace