Thursday, January 18, 2018 by Ethan Huff
One half of California is trying to break off from the other half in response to out-of-control liberalism, new reports indicate. Those leading the charge to establish so-called “New California” as the 51st state in the Union want to see a return to more conservative fiscal and social policies in order to improve quality of life and bring businesses back to the state.
Speaking to local media, the movement’s founder, Robert Paul Preston, explained how New California would incorporate most of the Golden State’s rural counties, leaving the urban coastal counties to the current state of California. This would allow Californians who don’t want to continue the descent into absolute leftist totalitarianism a better option for more reasonable state governance.
“Well, it’s been ungovernable for a long time,” Preston says about the current state of California. “High taxes, education, you name it, and we’re rated around 48th or 50th from a business climate and standpoint in California.”
Preston and his supporters say that conservative Californians in more rural counties are being held as political hostages to the failed policies of Sacramento, many of which have sent California down a path of total and complete failure. One such failed policy is California’s “sanctuary” status for illegal aliens, which as President Trump has stated has led to “out of control” problems for the Left Coast mecca.
“There’s something wrong when you have a rural county such as this one, and you go down to Orange County which is mostly urban, and it has the same set of problems, and it happens because of how the state is being governed and taxed,” Preston adds.
The immediate thought that some people might be having in response to this announcement is: “Wait, hasn’t California tried this before?” It has, but not necessarily in a way that coincides with the tenets of the law. Unlike previous “separatist” break-off efforts to split up California, Preston’s approach will reportedly go “by the book,” increasing its chances of success.
According to reports, Preston plans to work with the current state legislature to really get the ball rolling. He’s citing Article 4, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution, which states that Congress has the power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations to respect the territory or other property belonging to the United States. This is the same clause that was used to found the state of West Virginia.
“We have to demonstrate that we can govern ourselves before we are allowed to govern,” says Tom Reed, another co-founder of the New California movement.
He, Preston, and various others involved with the effort are well-organized, with committees and a council of county representatives working to make it a reality. The process could take 10 to 18 months before the group is ready to start engaging with the state legislature, but they’re hoping that all of their ducks will be in a row, and that a solution will be determined quickly after that, and with relative ease.
One of the things the New California movement plans to point out is the fact that many “essential basic services” throughout California are in a state of serious decline. These include things like education, healthcare, and housing, all of which are failing even in areas where voters are in complete disagreement with the policies being forced on them by Sacramento.
“The history of the present Governor and Government of California is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations all having in direct object the establishment of a Tyranny over the Counties of New California and the State of California,” the New California group wrote in a document.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Alt-Left, California, Collapsifornia, independence, insanity, Left Coast, left cult, Liberal Mob, liberalism, New California, politics, Sacramento, secession, separatism, state