Friday, January 19, 2018 by Ethan Huff
Yet another hijab-wearing Muslim has been exposed as an attention-seeking liar – the latest incident involving an 11-year-old girl by the name of Khawlah Noman, from Scarborough, Ontario, who claimed that a 20-year-old man used scissors to cut off her religious head-covering in an act of “hate.” As many expected, a lengthy investigation conducted by Toronto police revealed the girl’s claims to be patently false, highlighting a growing trend of fake “hate crimes” that certain minority groups are attempting to use as a means of consolidating power and control in American society.
Back in November 2016, The Daily Caller reported on this growing trend of fake victimization that’s sweeping the nation, and how sinister groups and movements are using it as a means to usher in totalitarianism. In this particular case (and in similar ones prior), a Muslim “victim” decided to invent a story about being racially targeted for the purpose of gaining political and cultural capital – as these are among the perks of being a victim of “Islamophobia.”
By manufacturing a fake (and rather cliche) narrative about being targeted simply for existing in society as a Muslim, this young girl had obviously hoped to garner sympathy from bleeding-heart liberals who would merely read the headlines, get outraged, and never actually look into whether or not the allegations were true. As it turns out, they weren’t true (as usual) – but the notion was successfully planted in the minds of many, and that’s, of course, the goal.
“The rumors spread and the media regurgitates the lies without any evidence to back them up,” Jamie Glazov wrote for The Daily Caller, pointing out that the mere idea of an anti-Muslim crime wave is enough to change people’s perspectives on the matter, even if that idea is later proven to be false. “And then, after the hoaxes are debunked one by one, the media is, by that time, bored and no longer interested.”
This certainly isn’t the first time that made-up allegations of this nature have hit international headlines. As many Natural News readers will probably recall, a Muslim student attending the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL) had falsely claimed that same year that two “white Trump supporters” ripped off her hijab on campus and stole her wallet.
These baseless allegations, which were later proven false, riled up leftists and Muslims alike, prompting even the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Louisiana to issue a statement denouncing not only the incident, but also Donald Trump. This, of course, happened before any investigation was conducted, and without a single shred of proof beyond the Muslim student’s lying claims.
Was this student ever held accountable for her lies after the fact? Of course not – just like the 11-year-old will likely still be regarded as a “victim” by the truth-hating left. Conservatives will know that both of these hijab incidents were completely made-up because the independent media has been diligent in correcting the record. But the rest of the mainstream media-consuming world won’t, and that’s the point.
“The left is a victimhood cult,” says Shillman Fellow Daniel Greenfield, revealing how the spreading of lies to reinforce the idea that minority groups are somehow stuck in a perpetual state of victimhood is a longtime method of perpetuating authoritarianism’s creeping influence in free societies.
“It feeds off pain and fetishizes suffering as a moral commodity to be sold and resold in exchange for political power,” he adds, noting that the left’s “victimocracy” and “cry-bully” tactics capitalize on identity politics to gain for themselves entitlements and other forms of special treatment.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Alt-Left, fake news, false-flag, hate crime hoaxes, hate crimes, hijab, intolerance, jihad, Libtards, lies, Muslims, political correctness, totalitarians, victimocracy