Monday, August 13, 2018 by Ethan Huff
When Sarah Jeong, the newest edition to The New York Times (NYT) editorial board, “tweeted” about how much “joy” she gets from “being cruel to old white men,” this disgusting statement wasn’t actually racism because only people with white skin can be racists.
This is the latest absurd claim of the uber-deranged Left, which has issued a complete pardon to Jeong for all of her anti-white hatred, insisting that it’s actually somehow white people’s fault that she feels this way in the first place.
Jeong’s many other anti-white tweets, including one about how “White men are bull–,” and another stating her desire to “#CancelWhitePeople,” are similarly no big deal because Jeong is an Asian female, which means nothing she says or does can ever be considered racist.
The so-called rationale behind this blatant double standard is that, in order for a person to be racist, he or she has to have prejudice plus power. And to leftists, the only people with “power” in this country are white men, which makes them the exclusive perpetrators of racism.
“As the logic goes, only white people can be racist because only white people have social and institutional power,” explained Matt Walsh in a recent piece for The Daily Wire.
There’s no arguing that such a sentiment is patently false, seeing as how there are plenty of people who aren’t white men who hold positions of power and authority. A few prominent examples are celebrity television personalities Oprah Winfrey and Ellen Degeneres, neither of whom are white males.
Reports also indicate that there are now more women being accepted into colleges and universities than men, which means females technically have the upper hand in education.
But leftists live in a fantasy world of their own delusional making, and couldn’t care less about facts that get in the way of their anti-white narrative. For the purpose of justifying Jeong’s hiring at the NYT, the Left cult has basically reinvented the definition of the word “racism” to exclude the many racist leftists like Jeong who hate white people.
It’s a completely illogical proposition, seeing as how there are white people who are poor and black people who are rich, for instance. There are also Asian women like Jeong who’ve been granted power and authority, while thousands of white men work as janitors just to put food on the table for their families.
“Claiming that historically-oppressed people cannot be racist is akin to claiming that poor people can’t be envious,” says Walsh. “Indeed, Leftists, indoctrinated into Marxist thought, probably would make that claim. Their goal is to remove sin from the poor and supposedly-oppressed, and transfer it, collectively, to the supposedly-privileged.”
Meanwhile, these same liberals are being collectively triggered by President Trump’s recent response to false accusations made against him by LeBron James, whose Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) erroneously caused him to tweet that the President himself is a racist.
“Liberals have weaponized the allegations of racism while creating a definition of the word that absolves themselves of the charge while ignoring the racist past of the Democratic Party and the progressive movement,” commented Derek Hunter for The Daily Caller about the issue.
Be sure to check out this revealing interview between CNN‘s Don Lemon and CNN contributor Symone Sanders, the former press secretary for Bernie Sanders, who openly states that white people are the only people who can be racists – letting Jeong off the hook.
Sources for this article include:
Tagged Under: Tags: Alt-Left, anti-white, deranged Left, discrimination, double standard, genocide, insanity, intolerance, Jeong, left cult, Leftists, liberals, Libtards, news cartels, NYT, political correctness, race wars, racism, racist, Sarah Jeong, The New York Times, white men, white people