Monday, March 19, 2018 by JD Heyes
In the convoluted world of Left-wing political and cultural thought these days, situations become riddles wrapped in enigmas surrounded by question marks. This is one of those situations.
Newspapers in Orlando, Florida, are calling out a teacher, Sundai Brown, for retweeting “an anti-Muslim post by Identify [sic] Evropa, a white supremacist group that aims to create a white ethnostate,” tweeted The Orlando Weekly’s Xander Peters, whose story headline is, “Orange County middle school teacher has an incredibly racist Twitter account.”
However, both the Weekly and the Orlando Sentinel, which also covered the story of this “racist” teacher, failed to explain to readers that Brown is black. What’s also lacking in either ‘objective’ story is that Islam is a religion, not a race, and not all Muslims belong to a single ethnic group or race, as Robert Spencer of PJ Media correctly points out.
He also notes — again, correctly — the motivation behind the writers and editors at both publications:
But the Orlando Weekly and Orlando Sentinel are out to destroy Sundai Brown’s career and livelihood, for the crime of opposing jihad violence and the spread of Sharia to non-Muslim countries. They have targeted her because she reportedly tweeted that “imans [sic] worldwide instruct Muslims to invade western countries, outbreed them, overthrow governments, kill infidels and implement sharia law.”
Is that true? Of course it is; imams and other Muslim leaders have often preached those very things, as examples are easy to find.
In the past Brown has retweeted posts from Identity Evropa — both newspapers call the organization “Identify Evropa” — which they have labeled a hard-right white supremacist organization based solely on the word of the Alt-left Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a group which — like the Leftist Southern Poverty Law Center — has a questionable history of accuracy in such matters. The SPLC won’t even label Antifa a “hate group,” though its members regularly target conservatives and Trump supporters, whom they have declared “fascists,” for violence. (Related: School suspends student for refusing to take part in “National Walkout Day” gun control protest.)
“This witch hunt against Sundai Brown is just one of many nowadays. People who express the slightest opposition to jihad terror, or any hesitation about the project of inundating Western countries with Muslim migrants, have long been targeted,” writes Spencer. “But now, they are not simply tarred as racist, bigoted Islamophobes — that defamation has been going on for well over a decade — but are also targeted professionally.”
What’s in play here — via academia, the media (social and legacy), the tech world, and the pop culture scene — is a concerted effort to purge conservative, traditional, America-first, independent-and-liberty-minded thought and opinion from the public square.
Not satisfied with election results and uninterested in a fair debate over ideals, Leftist hacks and bullies are now employing intimidation tactics and violence to enact their agenda and enforce their views.
President Donald J. Trump is the antithesis of these efforts. His daily presence in the Oval Office is a reminder to them of the failure of their national vision. Every breath he takes makes them more angry and bitter, and more determined to undermine whatever political, social, and cultural processes necessary for Marxist-Leftism to win the day.
Labeling a black woman a “racist” over her insistence that Americans jealously guard their constitutional rights and freedoms against a foreign political ideology is as dangerous as it is harmful, for in most cases such criticisms from the Left succeed in their mission: Silence from the opposition.
To this end, Spencer urges Right-leaning culture warriors to stand firm.
“It is high time we push back against this incipient totalitarianism, and put an end to this ‘peer pressure and shaming’ and destruction of people’s lives and careers because they said something the Leftist establishment doesn’t like,” he wrote. “Stand with Sundai Brown.”
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J.D. Heyes is editor of The National Sentinel and a senior writer for Natural News and News Target.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Alt-Left, antifa, culture, democrats, hate, intolerance, left cult, legacy media, Libtards, Marxists, pop culture, race wars, racism, society, stupid